Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New Year Ahead for MUGGS

I hope you have had a great summer. In just over a month MUGGS will be starting up again. Our first fall meeting will be Wednesday, September 11th from 9:15-11:15. We will meet twice in Septebmer and October and just once each in November and December - September 11 & 25, October 9 & 23, November 13 & December 11.
I am so excited to share that Bethany Wirin will be my co-leader this year!! We will be jumping right into our fall study on September 11th - "The Art of Marriage", a Family Life video study. If you would like a study guide for our fall study please order the Art of Marriage study guide from family life at www.familylife.com. In the spring we will be doing a study on motherhood called "Desperate" by Sarah Mae & Sally Clarkson.
Jennie Beare has agreed to continue on as our childcare coordinator this year and will be on her own. We are asking for your help - please email Jennie (bearetodd@aol.com) with any possible childcare providers that you know who would be willing to help. Childcare is a huge undertaking to coordinate for the year and we would really appreciate everyone taking a few minutes and thinking of a couple of names.
We are looking forward to another great year of MUGGS.

Monday, February 11, 2013

New Baby & Meeting Reminder

Hey Muggs Moms,
I got word this morning that Angie Christensen and her husband welcomed baby Julian James on Friday morning just before 10. Julian was 7 lb 6 oz and 21" long and mother and baby are doing well. Congrats to Angie and her family - we are excited to meet little Julian.
We will be meeting this Wednesday and we will be looking at Week 6 of Falling in Love with Jesus - "Killing Me Softly". I look forward to a wonderful time of fellowship and study together.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year of MUGGS

Happy New Year!!
I pray that your holidays were a blessed time with family and friends. It's hard to believe another year has passed and we are starting 2013. We are looking forward to another great year with MUGGS and hope you will all be able to join us this Wednesday, January 9th at 9:15. We will be taking a look at "It Had to Be You", week 4 of Falling in Love with Jesus after enjoying the time of food and fellowship.
See you all Wednesday!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

MUGGS Christmas Party

Hey there!
Tomorrow is our MUGGS Christmas party. We will meet at our usual time - 9:15 and have a fun morning of celebrating the gift of Jesus together. Tammy will be sharing a Christmas devotional and we will be doing a gift exchange and sharing some favorite Christmas goodies together.
So please bring:
A gift for the gift exchange - regifting is encouraged, if there is something around your house that your not using and you think another mom might enjoy wrap it up and bring it along. If you can't find anything to bring from home, do not spend more than $5 on a gift for the exchange. We will put all the gifts in the middle of a big circle and we will draw numbers to choose a gift or steal - so come ready to have fun!
A snack to share - Instead of our usual brunch we ask that everyone bring along a snack to share. This can be a plate of your favorite holiday cookies, a veggie plate, or any other snack you would like to share. Please don't stress about this and if you need to go very simple that's okay.
We look to forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Have a great day!

Monday, November 26, 2012

MUGGS - Wednesday, November 28th

Hoping you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Thanks to Tammy and the rest of the leadership team for carrying on in my absence last time. Your prayers were answered for my son Seth. The doctor found and removed a polyp and told us that Seth has a healthy colon and should not need another colonoscopy until he's 50, PTL!
 I hear that due to the time of prayer you all didn't get to the study. I appreciate Tammy's sensitivity to the prompting of the Spirit and her prayer warrior heart.  So we will take a look at chapter 3 - "Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places" this week after our brunch time together. Please bring along contributions for Christmas gifts for the childcare workers this week.
Hope to see you all on Wednesday!

Monday, November 12, 2012

MUGGS This Week - 11/14

Hey MUGGS Moms,

It's a MUGGS week. After our extra week off it's time for MUGGS again - thanks to Nicole for the reminder that we didn't have MUGGS last week, anytime there are 5 Wednesdays in a month it gets tricky. We meet on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, except in December where we only meet on the 2nd Wednesday.
We will start with brunch at 9:15 and then move to our study time at 10 where we will be exploring "Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places" - week 3 of "Falling in Love with Jesus". Along with our study we will have a time of prayer for little Duncan and Bridell family. Remember to bring items for the gift basket for the Bridells!!
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend on Wednesday due a test my son Seth is having at Blank that morning, but Tammy and the rest of the leadership team will carry on beautifully in my absence I am sure. I would appreciate your prayers for Seth as he goes through the colonoscopy - and for healing for his gut. The gastroenterologist thinks he either has a polyp or ulcerative colitis. We are praying it is just a polyp and that they will be able to deal with it during the procedure.
Praying you have a wonderful week!

Monday, October 8, 2012

MUGGS Week - Study Begins

Hey ladies,
It's a MUGGS week!! I'm so looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful faces and we are excited to get started with our study, "Falling in Love with Jesus". It has been so exciting to see our group grow and flourish this fall. I am excited about all God is doing through our group! We will discuss week 1, so if you have the workbook do your best to complete pages 6-20. No one will be checking to see if homework if complete:), so no judgement if you are not able to get it done - you will still benefit from our study time.
Hope to see you on Wednesday!